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Unleash your IT poten­tials

Domains & SSL Certificates for resellers and agencies

Whether you have hun­dreds or thou­sands of domains, our soft­ware makes man­ag­ing them a breeze.













Cups coffee

Sta­tus 2022

Our products at a glance

Take your busi­ness to the next lev­el. Here you will find every­thing you need for resellers, agen­cies and col­lec­tors

Domains & DNS

from € 0.42 p.m.

Details excerpt
  • Domain Price Check
  • Domain Safe
  • Redi­rec­tor
  • Nodese­cure
  • Trade­mark Zone Scan
  • Trade­mark Clear­ing­house
  • Con­nec­tion to sedo.com
Find­ing, reg­is­ter­ing and man­ag­ing the per­fect domains has nev­er been eas­i­er. With our effi­cient sys­tem you can effort­less­ly find the right domains, reg­is­ter them and man­age them pro­fes­sion­al­ly.

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SSL Certificates

from € 15,- p.a.

Details excerpt
  • TLS/SSL cer­tifi­cates
  • Code Sign­ing
  • Doc­u­ment Sign­ing

In addi­tion, a wide range of lead­ing CA’s

An SSL Cer­tifi­cate pro­vides a secure solu­tion to pro­tect your IT projects from unau­tho­rized third-par­ty access. Choos­ing this option ensures a fac­tu­al and objec­tive approach to pro­tect­ing your valu­able data.

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Mail proxy

from €14.99 p.m.

Details excerpt

Check­ing your emails for

  • Virus­es
  • Spam
  • Unsafe con­tent

Effec­tive test­ing out­side your infra­struc­ture.

The virus and spam fil­ter, strate­gi­cal­ly placed in front of the serv­er-client sys­tem, ensures effec­tive pro­tec­tion against mali­cious threats. This solu­tion pro­vides IT pro­fes­sion­als with peace of mind and con­fi­dence in the secu­ri­ty of their net­work.

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other functions and services

Whitelabel platform

Unde­ni­ably cru­cial for resellers. man­age ser­vices under their own brand.

Up- and cross-selling

Dis­play of sim­i­lar and com­pa­ra­ble prod­ucts both in the live search and on the results page.


Domain transfer

Our domain trans­fer ser­vice ensures a quick and easy migra­tion process to our plat­form.

Customer protection

It is our moral oblig­a­tion not to poach or offer a deal to any of your end cus­tomers.

Our ser­vices and prod­ucts are aimed exclu­sive­ly at com­mer­cial cus­tomers, entre­pre­neurs with­in the mean­ing of § 14 BGB or legal enti­ties — not end con­sumers(why?). Prices quot­ed do not include 19% VAT

IT products from a single source

Domains, SSL cer­tifi­cates, MX ser­vices, Trade­mark Clear­ing­house, etc. all con­nect­ed and housed in one plat­form.


SSL Certificates

Mail proxy

Our newsblog — information to the point

Dis­cov­er the lat­est news and indus­try insights from the world of IT in our infor­ma­tive blog.