w +49 (0)6202 409 1923


one of the lead­ing glob­al cer­ti­fi­ca­tion bod­ies

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Information about thawte?

Thawte is one of the world’s lead­ing cer­tifi­cate author­i­ties for SSL cer­tifi­cates today, based in Cape Town, South Africa. Thawte offers a wide range of cer­tifi­cate types, rang­ing from domain-based SSL cer­tifi­cates to enter­prise and wild­card cer­tifi­cates. Thawte also offers inno­v­a­tive secu­ri­ty solu­tions, includ­ing the Thawte Trust­ed Site Seal.

Thawte is one of the most trust­ed cer­tifi­cate author­i­ties in the world, offer­ing cer­tifi­cates accept­ed by mil­lions of web­sites, browsers, and oper­at­ing sys­tems around the world.

All thawte SSL certificates at a glance?

Pro­duk­t­name Schutz Wild­card SAN MYP* HGB-Con­trol
SSL123 TLS/SSL R max. 72 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Pro­duk­t­name Schutz Wild­card SAN MYP* HGB-Con­trol
Web Serv­er TLS/SSL R max. 72 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Pro­duk­t­name Schutz Wild­card SAN MYP* HGB-Con­trol
Web Serv­er TLS/SSL max. 72 Monate jet­zt bestellen

* MYP = Mul­ti Year Plan — SSL cer­tifi­cates can be booked on a mul­ti-year basis, mak­ing them sig­nif­i­cant­ly cheap­er.