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SSL/TLS and S/MIME cer­tifi­cates under one strong brand

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Information about digicert?

Dig­iCert Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Author­i­ty offers a wide range of easy-to-use, secure cer­tifi­cates and is also the first and lead­ing provider of TLS/SSL and code sign­ing cer­tifi­cates, which are dis­trib­uted in more than 145 coun­tries world­wide. Dig­iCert is the only CA to offer the EV Mul­ti-Domain cer­tifi­cate.

With this cer­tifi­cate, you can ensure that your cus­tomers can con­nect to your web­site or app secure­ly. In addi­tion, Dig­iCert is con­sid­ered a leader in sup­port­ing DNSSEC, HTTPS, and TLS/SSL.

All digicert SSL certificates at a glance?

Pro­duk­t­name Schutz Wild­card SAN MYP* HGB-Con­trol
S/MIME Class 1 S/MIME max. 36 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Pro­duk­t­name Schutz Wild­card SAN MYP* HGB-Con­trol
Basic TLS/SSL max. 72 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Secure Site TLS/SSL max. 72 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Secure Site Pro TLS/SSL max. 72 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Dig­i­tal Sig­na­ture TLS/SSL max. 36 Monate jet­zt bestellen
S/MIME Pre­mi­um S/MIME max. 36 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Code Sign­ing Code / Doc Sign­ing max. 36 Monate jet­zt bestellen

* MYP = Mul­ti Year Plan — SSL cer­tifi­cates can be booked on a mul­ti-year basis, mak­ing them sig­nif­i­cant­ly cheap­er.