w +49 (0)6202 409 1923


for­mer­ly known as Como­do Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions, Inc.
Provider Logo
  • Head­quar­ters: Clifton, New Jer­sey, US
  • Found­ed: 1998 (UK)
  • Hedg­ing: from $50,000
  • Web­site: sectigo.com

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Information about Sectigo?

Secti­go (for­mer­ly Como­do) offers a wide range of prod­ucts to help you increase your cus­tomers’ trust in your web­site and ser­vices. With Secti­go SSL Cer­tifi­cates, you have the abil­i­ty to quick­ly and eas­i­ly ver­i­fy the iden­ti­ty of the cer­tifi­cate hold­er with the click of a mouse using unique point-to-ver­i­fy tech­nol­o­gy.

Secti­go also offers email cer­tifi­cates and code sign­ing solu­tions to pro­tect your online activ­i­ties. Take a look at our prod­ucts and find out which SSL cer­tifi­cate suits you best.

All Sectigo SSL Certificates at a glance?

Pro­duk­t­name Schutz Wild­card SAN MYP* HGB-Con­trol
Secti­go SSL TLS/SSL R R max. 60 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Essen­tialSSL TLS/SSL R R max. 60 Monate jet­zt bestellen
InstantSSL TLS/SSL R R max. 60 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Pos­i­tiveSSL TLS/SSL R R max. 60 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Per­son­al S/MIME Cer­tifi­cate S/MIME max. 36 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Pro­duk­t­name Schutz Wild­card SAN MYP* HGB-Con­trol
Secti­go SSL TSL/SSL R R max. 60 Monate jet­zt bestellen
InstantSSL TSL/SSL R R max. 60 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Pos­i­tiveSSL TSL/SSL R R max. 60 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Pro S/MIME Cer­tifi­cate S/MIME max. 36 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Enter­prise S/MIME Cer­tifi­cate S/MIME max. 36 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Code Sign­ing Code / Doc Sign­ing max. 36 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Pro­duk­t­name Schutz Wild­card SAN MYP* HGB-Con­trol
Secti­go SSL TSL/SSL R R max. 60 Monate jet­zt bestellen
InstantSSL TSL/SSL R R max. 60 Monate jet­zt bestellen
Pos­i­tiveSSL TSL/SSL R R max. 60 Monate jet­zt bestellen

* MYP = Mul­ti Year Plan — SSL cer­tifi­cates can be booked on a mul­ti-year basis, mak­ing them sig­nif­i­cant­ly cheap­er.