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What should be considered when registering a domain?

1 min read

When reg­is­ter­ing a domain, there are sev­er­al fac­tors that should be con­sid­ered.

First, it is impor­tant to choose a domain name that is easy to remem­ber and fits the con­tent of your web­site. Also, it should be unique and not already used by anoth­er web­site.

Sec­ond­ly, you should con­sid­er which domain exten­sion you want to use. The most com­mon domain exten­sions are .com, .org and .net, but there are many oth­er options. It is impor­tant that you choose a domain exten­sion that fits the pur­pose of your web­site and the tar­get audi­ence.

Third, it is impor­tant to choose a rep­utable domain reg­is­trar to reg­is­ter your domain with. We enjoy a very good rep­u­ta­tion with our web host­ing and web project man­age­ment ser­vice since 2005. Since 2010 we offer domains and SSL cer­tifi­cates for resellers and agen­cies and you are wel­come to inquire about our know-how and the cor­re­spond­ing friend­ly sup­port by con­tact­ing us direct­ly.

Final­ly, you should con­sid­er for what peri­od you want to reg­is­ter your domain. As a rule, you can reg­is­ter a domain for a peri­od of one to ten years. It is rec­om­mend­ed to reg­is­ter for a longer peri­od of time to avoid the risk of los­ing your domain.